Harness Racing Australia maintains a Gear and Equipment List that is designed to be read in conjunction with the Australian Harness Racing Rules.
As new items of gear and equipment appear in the marketplace HRA endeavors to keep this list updated with approved and banned items so it is a constantly evolving document. Each item is assessed on its merits as to its form and functionality, that it fills a need or requirement without in any way harming or injuring the horse. HRA enlists veterinary and other expert advice in determining the approved or banned status of new pieces of gear.
If a trainer is in any doubt as to the status of an item of gear or equipment (or any combination of) they must contact the controlling body for clarification PRIOR to using that piece of equipment.
Horses must have their gear registered and any changes MUST be notified prior to the horse’s next start.
All items of gear and equipment must be approved by the controlling body and must be of good quality and condition, and able to withstand the stresses likely to be imposed upon it in a race.
Under the AHRR rules a person shall not by use of harness, gear, equipment or device inflict suffering on a horse.